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Here's a brief description of various pieces of my software, a link for more information and a download link (Where appropriate) for each.

The AutoMiner
Website: www.autominer.tk

The AutoMiner was the ultimate cheat for RuneScape, but unfortunately the project has been shut down. The AutoMiner is no longer available for download.
ZM Online

If you listen to ZM Online on the radio, or you want to listen to it on the internet, then you need this program. The program minimizes to your tray and periodically checks to see what song is playing on ZM at the moment - then it pops up a hint balloon with the artist name and song name of the currently playing song. There's a button to click that will launch the online stream of ZM.

Before you can use the program, you have to visit ZMOnline.com and tell them where you are (Nationwide or Auckland) because you need the cookie.

"Minesweeper" is a nearly pixel-exact clone of the Windows Minesweeper, but with added hidden features! There are cheatcodes, unlimited minefield size, load and save game, network chat (By UDP broadcast), a boss key, and enhanced minefield size and mine count selection. The hidden features are accessed by pressing the correct function keys - read the included help file for information!
Exposure Time
Demonstration - coming soon
Exposure Time works with your digital camera to remove moving objects from a set of pictures. Just set your digital camera up on a tripod and point it at a busy shopping center, take more than three photos (Take more photos to remove more motion or to remove objects that don't move very often) to remove all of the people in the photo. The end result is a picture of an empty shopping center! Demonstration coming soon.

I didn't write this program, it was written by the awesome Farbrausch team at www.farb-rausch.de. The program has an awesome set of 3D animations, and has a kick arse music track playing in the background (You'll need a decent graphics card to run this one).

But the amazing thing isn't that the animations are so good. The amazing thing is that the program is only 64k in size! The whole program is smaller in filesize than the image below!